Simple ways to find exposed sensitive information

Informational advantage is a form of power. On the flipside, exposure of sensitive information about a person or organisation can be a privacy/security problem. Sensitive Data Exposure is a type of vulnerability where software system (or user) makes sensitive data (API keys, user information, private documents, etc.) available to potential adversaries. For example, web app that lets users edit potentially confidential documents may be storing them in S3 buckets without any proper access controls. This results in information that should not be public being potentially available to those who know how to look for it. In this post we will go through some basic techniques of Sensitive Data Discovery - the activity of hunting for accidental leaks of things that are best kept hidden.

One way to look for potentially sensitive information is to do search engine dorking - launching queries specifically crafted to narrow down on specific, potentially sensitive things.

For example, the following query (Google dork) would look for PDF documents containing the word “confidential” and hosted under specific domain:

filetype:pdf "confidential"

We have used filetype: operator to limit result to specific file extension and site: operator to limit them to specific domain.

Of course, not every document containing word “confidential” is actually confidential, but a query like this could be a starting point to check if nothing sensitive is being leaked.

Another, more realistic example is the following Google query:

"contractors" filetype:xls "" site:gov

Automating Google dorking can be done via many of SERP scraper APIs available, but at the end of the day you will need to review the results manually.

On the very first page of search results I was able to find actual lists of government agency (e.g. Illinois Dept. of Transportation) contractors with email addresses. Since pretending to be a contractor is very viable social engineering vector that can lead to unauthorised access (physical and/or digital) to the sensitive infrastucture this sort of information exposure can have pretty serious security implications. Furthermore, service-based businesses should take care not to expose their lead list spreadsheet on the public web as they can potentially be found by some growth hacker working for the competition.

Real examples of sensitive, private information ending up findable via Google dorking:

  • H1 report 644358 - PDF files with SSNs and family data related to US military personnel.
  • H1 report 672629 - searching for site:*.mil ext:ppt intext:password would lead to US DoD training materials with usernames/password being available.

Another way to look for more technical sensitive data exposures is to search on Github.

For example, the following query (Github dork) looks for instances of Git credentials file being accidentally commited to public repos:


We can also look for API keys to paid or private services. Github search query can be derived from sample code related to the API. Let me give you a real example. Google maps iOS SDK sample code repo contains the following code in MapsAndPlacesDemo/MapsAndPlacesDemo/ApiKeys.swift file:

/// API keys needed for this project
public enum ApiKeys {
    #error("Register for API keys and enter them below; then, delete this line")
    static let mapsAPI = ""
    static let placesAPI = ""

Now there is a chance that some people trying out the GMaps iOS SDK filled in the API keys and commited the code to public repository. Indeed, the following Github dork gives us what seem to be some real API keys to Places API:

"static let placesAPI"

However, it must be noted that Github has secret scanning automation running to warn users about accidentally publishing API keys for a growing list of partner services (and revoke leaked ones), which makes this trick less viable as time goes on.

But what if we want to find API keys and other sensitive pieces of information on websites running in production? In this case PublicWWW - a code-level search engine - can be helpful. To look for some API keys hardcoded into client-side JS snippets we can run queries like:

"api_key" depth:all
"apiKey" depth:all

Again, not everything you will find like this is going to be sensitive data. Some API keys are not meant to be kept secret.

Some real examples of API key exposures being a security problem:

  • H1 report 1065041 - Google geocoding API leak.
  • H1 report 1066410 - leaking API keys in client-side JS code lead to further security problems.
  • H1 report 1218754 - leaked API key lead to exposure of internal system statistics.

Like with Google, we can use site: operator to limit the results to given domain. However, PublicWWW results are limited to users without paid account and one must pay up to get the full results. Users with paid plan can also search for stuff via API.

Some sites heavily reliant on client side JavaScript may use preloaded state - a JSON document or JavaScript object with some initial data to be shown on the first load of webpage. It may include data beyond what is visibly seen on the screen. I have personally found and scraped email addresses from preloaded state that were not seen on the rendered form of HTML, but could be found by digging through the page source a little. In some cases, web pages have more information in them than what is seen at the very surface.

AWS S3 and compatible services (e.g. Digital Ocean Spaces, MinIO, and many others) are commonly used to store files in the cloud. For example, many web applications use it to store user-uploaded data that they are supposed to keep private - one user should not access other users files. However, sometimes due to misconfiguration S3 buckets happen to be wide open to anyone who finds them, which may lead to sensitive data discovery.

Some tools to look for misconfigured S3 buckets are:

Last, but not least way the sensitive data discovery happens I want to mention is people simply not keeping their mouths shut. See the following conference talks about this:

Remember: once you tell something to the world you no longer control that information. “Loose lips sink ships” says the ancient wisdom.

Trickster Dev

Code level discussion of web scraping, gray hat automation, growth hacking and bounty hunting

By rl1987, 2024-06-21