Scraping Instagram API with Instauto

Instagram scraping is of interest to OSINT and growth hacking communities, but can be rather challenging. If we proceed with using browser automation for this purpose we risk triggering client-side countermeasures. Using private API is a safer, more performant approach, but has it’s own challenges. Instagram implements complex API flows that involve HMACs and other cryptographic techniques for extra security. When it comes to implementing Instagram scraping code, one does not simply use mitmproxy or Chrome DevTools to intercept API requests so that we could reproduce them programmatically. Significantly deeper reverse engineering is needed: we would either try to make sense of the obfuscated frontend JS code or decompiling/disassembling mobile app binaries to understand how exactly API flows are implemented. Both of these approaches are labour intensive and require some fairly deep, specialised knowledge.

Luckily for us, there’s something called Instauto. Instauto is a Python module that implements an unofficial client library for private Instagram API. It saves us a mountain of work that we would have to do if we wanted to tap into private Instagram API for gray hat use cases.

There are three major parts of Instauto:

  • instauto.api - low level API client that we can use directly and that is used by rest of the Instauto codebase.
  • instauto.helpers - higher level API client that defines object-oriented API over raw Python dictionaries/lists that it gets from instauto.api.
  • - high-level utility code for Instagram botting. It builds upon instauto.helpers.

Before we proceed with programming, we need to create or buy a scraper account that is meant to be disposable. Running any kind of gray hat activities on an account that has any kind of value is asking for trouble, as Instagram is known to crack down on accounts involved in sketchy, robotic activities.

The following example will entail scraping list of followers given the username of some target account, including email addresses that are sometimes available through API, but are not necessarily visible on Instagram profiles.

We need to instantiate API client first and perform login step with username and password:

from instauto.api.client import ApiClient

client = ApiClient(username=username, password=password)

At this point Instagram might ask for access confirmation code that Instauto will let you enter via standard input.

We want to avoid performing login step repeatedly, as this can trigger automation countermeasures. To help us here, Instauto API client implements save_to_disk() method that we can call with a filepath:


This will create a JSON file with session data to be reused next time. To read this file we will need to instantiate ApiClient as follows:

client = ApiClient.initiate_from_file("savefile.instauto")

Assuming we have username of target account (without leading @ character) we can use get_user_id_from_username() from instauto.helpers to get the numeric user ID that we will need for further steps:

from import get_user_id_from_username
user_id = get_user_id_from_username(client, target_username)

At this point we could use get_followers() from instauto.helpers, but let’s proceed with a slightly harder way to see how using stuff from instauto.api looks like. To get the list of followers, we need to instantiate a request object and use it on API client:

import instauto.api.actions.structs.friendships as fs

obj = fs.GetFollowers(user_id)
obj, response = client.followers_get(obj)
followers = response.json()["users"]

Instauto takes care of API pagination for us, but we would need to call followers_get() repeatedly until we either collected a required number of entries or ran out of data to scrape (make sure to use the updated request object). At this point we have a fairly sparse data that does not include much beyond user names and IDs of the followers.

To get more fields, we need to request for profile info based on user ID of each follower:

import instauto.api.actions.structs.profile as pr

obj = pr.Info(user_id)
fi = client.profile_info(obj)

The complete Python script that demonstrates follower info scraping is as follows:


import csv
import sys
import os
from pprint import pprint

import instauto.api.actions.structs.friendships as fs
from instauto.api.client import ApiClient
from instauto.helpers.friendships import get_followers
from import get_user_id_from_username
import instauto.api.actions.structs.profile as pr

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print("{} <target_username>".format(sys.argv[0]))

    target_username = sys.argv[1]
    target_username = target_username.replace("@", "")

    if os.path.isfile("savefile.instauto"):
        client = ApiClient.initiate_from_file("savefile.instauto")
        username = input("Username: ")
        password = input("Password: ")
        client = ApiClient(username=username, password=password)


    user_id = get_user_id_from_username(client, target_username)

    # followers = get_followers(client, user_id, 100)
    # print(followers)

    # Based on:
    obj = fs.GetFollowers(user_id)

    obj, response = client.followers_get(obj)

    followers = response.json()["users"]
    print("Got {} followers".format(len(followers)))

    while True:
        obj, response = client.followers_get(obj)
        if not response:

        new_followers = response.json()["users"]
        print("Got {} followers".format(len(new_followers)))

    if len(followers) == 0:

    out_f = open("followers.csv", "w", encoding="utf-8")

    csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(
        out_f, fieldnames=list(followers[0].keys()), lineterminator="\n"

    for f in followers:
        if f.get("linked_fb_info") is not None:
            del f["linked_fb_info"]


    out_f = open("follower_infos.csv", "w", encoding="utf-8")

    csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(

    for f in followers:
        print("Getting profile details for {}...".format(f.get("username")))
        user_id = f.get("pk")
        obj = pr.Info(user_id)
        fi = client.profile_info(obj)

        if type(fi) == dict:
                    "username": fi.get("username"),
                    "pk": fi.get("pk"),
                    "biography": fi.get("biography"),
                    "public_email": fi.get("public_email"),
                    "public_phone_number": fi.get("public_phone_number"),


if __name__ == "__main__":

You may want to use proxy with this script. Since Instauto uses the well-known requests module for making HTTP requests, it heeds HTTPS_PROXY environment variable. That’s an easy way to tunnel traffic through proxy.

Trickster Dev

Code level discussion of web scraping, gray hat automation, growth hacking and bounty hunting

By rl1987, 2022-05-23