Retrospective scraping of historical data from Internet Archive snapshots

Some internet research activities are based not only on the present data, but also on historical data that was, but no longer is posted online. As of late 2023, Internet Archive has over 842 billion web page snapshots stored and available for retrieval. We will go through a simple example of how scraping pre-crawled pages from Wayback Machine can be used to gather historical data for data science purposes. To look into Iowa inmate population trends, we will be scraping historical snapshots of Iowa Department of Corrections inmate statistics page. Data of interest is in “Current Count” and “Institution” columns of the table. We will do data scraping and wrangling in Python with Pandas dataframe library.

To quickly view the available snapshots for this page we search it through front page. But there seems to be a little complication. Only two snapshots are available, which would not be sufficient for our purposes.

Screenshot 1

Thus we must backtrack a little. Searching for the domain - - on Wayback Machine gives us only 5 snapshots. It seems this domain is pointing to fairly new (sub)site that is primarily meant for looking up prisoners in Iowa and only secondarily to provide overall inmate statistics. The primary domain for Iowa Dept. of Corrections is Exploring snapshots for this site reveals that until some time in 2023 it had a statistics page at following URL:

Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3

We are after data on all available snapshots of this page.

To check for snapshot availability we can call the /wayback/available API endpoint with the URL of interest:

$ curl "" | jq
  "url": "",
  "archived_snapshots": {
    "closest": {
      "status": "200",
      "available": true,
      "url": "",
      "timestamp": "20230429064712"

How do we get the list of snapshots? Internet Archive CDX API is a flexible way to search for snapshots by URL and secondary criteria: HTTP status code, timeframe and MIME type of the content. By default this API provides output in CDX table format that looks as follows:

$ curl ""
gov,iowa,doc)/ 20170323172420 text/html 200 L4NPH6MSVTZBRCD6CUTTQ2Y66OKY5Y3S 6904
gov,iowa,doc)/ 20170323172435 text/html 200 BPFQVM2VIW32BNVM7LJ23QTXN7TDTPIL 6906
gov,iowa,doc)/ 20170323172720 text/html 200 76LUVXUPNL3NPGU246YM3YQ6VNOOVIVH 6907
gov,iowa,doc)/ 20170416221430 text/html 200 6VMMWJRPN33DAGREX54WSLFG367NCCEF 7113
gov,iowa,doc)/ 20170417071150 text/html 200 OZMIM56F6OM5IL3HXTWBJZQCMGVRBYTB 7119

We can get a JSONified version of this table by passing output=json URL parameter:

$ curl ""
["gov,iowa,doc)/", "20170323172420", "", "text/html", "200", "L4NPH6MSVTZBRCD6CUTTQ2Y66OKY5Y3S", "6904"],
["gov,iowa,doc)/", "20170323172435", "", "text/html", "200", "BPFQVM2VIW32BNVM7LJ23QTXN7TDTPIL", "6906"],
["gov,iowa,doc)/", "20170323172720", "", "text/html", "200", "76LUVXUPNL3NPGU246YM3YQ6VNOOVIVH", "6907"],
["gov,iowa,doc)/", "20170416221430", "", "text/html", "200", "6VMMWJRPN33DAGREX54WSLFG367NCCEF", "7113"],
["gov,iowa,doc)/", "20170417071150", "", "text/html", "200", "OZMIM56F6OM5IL3HXTWBJZQCMGVRBYTB", "7119"]]

This is still not quite the shape of data that most modern JSON APIs provide, but we can work with that by using read_json() function from Pandas:

$ python3
Python 3.11.6 (main, Oct  2 2023, 20:46:14) [Clang 14.0.3 (clang-1403.] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.read_json("")
>>> df
                0               1                      2          3           4                                 5       6
0          urlkey       timestamp               original   mimetype  statuscode                            digest  length
1  gov,iowa,doc)/  20170323172420  text/html         200  L4NPH6MSVTZBRCD6CUTTQ2Y66OKY5Y3S    6904
2  gov,iowa,doc)/  20170323172435  text/html         200  BPFQVM2VIW32BNVM7LJ23QTXN7TDTPIL    6906
3  gov,iowa,doc)/  20170323172720  text/html         200  76LUVXUPNL3NPGU246YM3YQ6VNOOVIVH    6907
4  gov,iowa,doc)/  20170416221430  text/html         200  6VMMWJRPN33DAGREX54WSLFG367NCCEF    7113
5  gov,iowa,doc)/  20170417071150  text/html         200  OZMIM56F6OM5IL3HXTWBJZQCMGVRBYTB    7119

It misread column labels in the first line, but we can trivially fix it:

>>> headers = df.iloc[0]
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(df.values[1:], columns=headers)
>>> df
0          urlkey       timestamp               original   mimetype statuscode                            digest length
0  gov,iowa,doc)/  20170323172420  text/html        200  L4NPH6MSVTZBRCD6CUTTQ2Y66OKY5Y3S   6904
1  gov,iowa,doc)/  20170323172435  text/html        200  BPFQVM2VIW32BNVM7LJ23QTXN7TDTPIL   6906
2  gov,iowa,doc)/  20170323172720  text/html        200  76LUVXUPNL3NPGU246YM3YQ6VNOOVIVH   6907
3  gov,iowa,doc)/  20170416221430  text/html        200  6VMMWJRPN33DAGREX54WSLFG367NCCEF   7113
4  gov,iowa,doc)/  20170417071150  text/html        200  OZMIM56F6OM5IL3HXTWBJZQCMGVRBYTB   7119

From the timestamp column we can derive the snapshot URL by treating the timestamp as path component between and the original URL:

>>> df['snapshot_url'] = df['timestamp'].apply(lambda ts: '' + ts + '/')
>>> df['snapshot_url'].to_list()
['', '', '', '', '']

Each snapshot is the original HTML page with some extra stuff injected to help us navigate the history of the page. Thus we can scrape it by using all the usual web scraping techniques. Furthermore, the old pages we want to scrape present the data in the basic HTML <table> element, which makes it easy to scrape by using Pandas read_html() function:

>>> dfs = pd.read_html("")
>>> stats_df = dfs[1]
>>> stats_df
                      Institution Current Count  Capacity  Medical/Segregation
0                         Anamosa           943     911.0                171.0
1                        Clarinda           962     750.0                 46.0
2                      Fort Dodge          1151    1162.0                 75.0
3                   Mitchellville           486     654.0                114.0
4                Minimum Live-Out            99     120.0                  0.0
5                         Oakdale           818     585.0                142.0
6   Forensic Psychiatric Hospital             9       0.0                 28.0
7                    Fort Madison           708     612.0                153.0
8                  Mount Pleasant           815     776.0                 80.0
9                   Newton-Medium           853     762.0                197.0
10                        Minimum           175     252.0                  6.0
11                  Rockwell City           432     245.0                 18.0
12          MPCF Minimum Live-Out            86     104.0                  0.0
13           INSTITUTIONAL TOTALS          7537    6933.0               1030.0
14               % overcrowded by         8.71%       NaN                  NaN

To clean up the data, let us drop the last two columns and last two rows:

>>> stats_df = stats_df[['Institution', 'Current Count']]
>>> stats_df = stats_df[:-2]
>>> stats_df
                      Institution Current Count
0                         Anamosa           943
1                        Clarinda           962
2                      Fort Dodge          1151
3                   Mitchellville           486
4                Minimum Live-Out            99
5                         Oakdale           818
6   Forensic Psychiatric Hospital             9
7                    Fort Madison           708
8                  Mount Pleasant           815
9                   Newton-Medium           853
10                        Minimum           175
11                  Rockwell City           432
12          MPCF Minimum Live-Out            86

Lastly, let us tweak names of some sub-entries:

>>> stats_df.loc[stats_df['Institution'] == "Forensic Psychiatric Hospital", 'Institution'] = "Oakdale - Forensic Psychiatric Hospital"
>>> stats_df.loc[stats_df['Institution'] == "Minimum", 'Institution'] = "Newton-Minimum"
>>> stats_df.loc[stats_df['Institution'] == "Minimum Live-Out", 'Institution'] = "Mitchellville - Minimum Live-Out"
>>> stats_df
                                Institution Current Count
0                                   Anamosa           943
1                                  Clarinda           962
2                                Fort Dodge          1151
3                             Mitchellville           486
4          Mitchellville - Minimum Live-Out            99
5                                   Oakdale           818
6   Oakdale - Forensic Psychiatric Hospital             9
7                              Fort Madison           708
8                            Mount Pleasant           815
9                             Newton-Medium           853
10                           Newton-Minimum           175
11                            Rockwell City           432
12                    MPCF Minimum Live-Out            86

By now we have prototyped finding and parsing page snapshots in Python REPL environment. Let us put everything together into a Python script:


from urllib.parse import urlencode
import time
import sys

import pandas as pd


def get_snapshot_urls():
    params = {"url": ORIG_URL, "output": "json", "filter": "statuscode:200"}

    cdx_url = "" + "?" + urlencode(params)


    df = pd.read_json(cdx_url)

    headers = df.iloc[0]
    df = pd.DataFrame(df.values[1:], columns=headers)

    df["snapshot_url"] = df["timestamp"].apply(
        lambda ts: "" + ts + "/"

    return df["snapshot_url"].to_list()

def scrape_stats_table(url):
    dfs = pd.read_html(url)


    stats_df = dfs[1]
    stats_df = stats_df[["Institution", "Current Count"]]
    stats_df = stats_df[:-2]
        stats_df["Institution"] == "Forensic Psychiatric Hospital", "Institution"
    ] = "Oakdale - Forensic Psychiatric Hospital"
    stats_df.loc[stats_df["Institution"] == "Minimum", "Institution"] = "Newton-Minimum"
        stats_df["Institution"] == "Minimum Live-Out", "Institution"
    ] = "Mitchellville - Minimum Live-Out"
    stats_df["url"] = url


    return stats_df

def main():
    snapshot_urls = get_snapshot_urls()

    print("Found {} snapshots".format(len(snapshot_urls)))

    result_dfs = []

    for url in snapshot_urls:
            stats_df = scrape_stats_table(url)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
                stats_df = scrape_stats_table(url)
            except KeyboardInterrupt:


    result_df = pd.concat(result_dfs)
    result_df.to_csv("iowa_doc.csv", index=False)

if __name__ == "__main__":

We don’t store the timestamp directly in the scraped data as we can trivially recover it from the URL:

from datetime import datetime

import pandas as pd

def convert_timestamp(timestamp):
    return datetime(year=int(timestamp[0:4]), 

df = pd.read_csv('iowa_doc.csv')
df['timestamp'] = df['url'].apply(lambda url: url.split('/')[4])
df['timestamp'] = df['timestamp'].apply(convert_timestamp)

Some open source projects relying on Internet Archive API:

  • gau - a recon tool to fetch known URLs from several sources, including Internet Archive.
  • Bellingcat’s wayback-google-analytics is OSINT tool to dig up Google Analytics identifiers for finding associations between websites.

Trickster Dev

Code level discussion of web scraping, gray hat automation, growth hacking and bounty hunting

By rl1987, 2023-12-27