JavaScript AST manipulation with Babel: reducing nestedness, unflattening the CFG

In computer science, control flow graph is a graph that represents order of code block execution and transitions between blocks. For the purposes of todays topic, vertices in such graph are basic blocks of code that are to be executed consequentially and have no branching logic. Each basic block has an entry point and exit point. Edges in control graph represent transitions between basic blocks.

Control flow graph flattening is an obfuscation technique that introduces large switch statements within while-loops with basic blocks at each switch case. Switch condition contains some logic to choose a switch case on runtime and each switch case does something at the end of basic block to switch to next one.

Consider the following sample code from documentation:

    function foo () {
        return function () {
            var sum = 1 + 2;

When we run obfuscation with “Control Flow Flattening” checkbox being on, we get the following obfuscated version of this code:

(function () {
    var _0x5b0ba5 = {
        'HThGl': '2|4|1|3|5|6|0',
        'Ssbzl': function (_0x113c5a, _0x2b9ca8) {
            return _0x113c5a + _0x2b9ca8;
        'pWydz': function (_0x237610) {
            return _0x237610();
    function _0x11c3ac() {
        var _0x134393 = {
            'HwgBi': _0x5b0ba5['HThGl'],
            'YnoJz': function (_0x5ad206, _0x2b2bb5) {
                return _0x5b0ba5['Ssbzl'](_0x5ad206, _0x2b2bb5);
        return function () {
            var _0x11ba88 = _0x134393['HwgBi']['split']('|');
            var _0x143f46 = 0x0;
            while (!![]) {
                switch (_0x11ba88[_0x143f46++]) {
                case '0':
                case '1':
                case '2':
                    var _0x3c58ad = _0x134393['YnoJz'](0x1, 0x2);
                case '3':
                case '4':
                case '5':
                case '6':

Screenshot 1

We put this code into ASTExplorer where we will be learning how to deobfuscate it.

We see that the innermost block of input code has been split into smaller basic blocks and distributed across switch-cases in the obfuscated version. Furthermore, introduces some supporting obfuscations into the code to make the primary obfuscation technique harder to reverse. Our strategy here is to chip away these secondary techniques until we get to the point of attacking the CFG flattening, then simplify the code to something close to original form.

Since we also want to make the code less nested for easier readability, let’s start by replacing the outermost IIFE with all the code inside it. This is accomplished with the following transform:

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "ast-transform", // not required
    visitor: {
      ExpressionStatement(path) {
        if (!t.isProgram(path.parent)) return;
        let node = path.node;
        let expr = node.expression;
        if (!t.isCallExpression(expr)) return;
        let callee = expr.callee;
        if (!t.isFunctionExpression(callee)) return;
        let innerStatements = callee.body.body;

We target ExpressionStatement as that is the object type for IIFE. In the visitor we also check for some other conditions to make sure we are visiting the exact part of the code we want to change: parent node has to be Program and there has to be a CallExpression node at expression field that points to FunctionExpression node in it’s callee field. If that is the case, we take all the statement nodes from body of callee and replace our currently visited node with them by calling replaceWithMultiple out the NodePath object. To sum it up, we replace one node high up in the AST with multiple nodes from subtree below it. This refactors away the outermost IIFE.

Screenshot 2

In the while loop we see that the condition for looping is quite confusing: !![]. When we try it in the JS REPL, we get that this merely is another way for representing true:

$ node
Welcome to Node.js v19.0.1.
Type ".help" for more information.
> !![]

At AST level we have two nested UnaryExpression nodes with ArrayExpression in the innermost level.

So if this stuff evaluates to a Boolean constant, perhaps Babel can compute it for us? Turns out it can with NodePath.evaluate() method that we use in our next transformation:

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "ast-transform", // not required
    visitor: {
      UnaryExpression(path) {
        let result = path.evaluate();
        if (result.confident) {

Screenshot 3

We must take care to check confident flag to make sure Babel is confident of the result. We replace the UnaryExpressions - both of them - with the resulting values. There is no need to worry about re-traversing the AST nodes after tree modification, as Babel does that for us automatically.

So now we have while(true) in the code. Another thing we want to get rid is bracket notation, so that we have console.log() in the code, not console["log"](). This was covered earlier in the blog and can be done with the following AST transform:

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "ast-transform", // not required
    visitor: {
      CallExpression(path) {
        let prop =;

        if (t.isStringLiteral(prop)) {
 = t.identifier(prop.value);
          path.node.callee.computed = false;

We did some easy ones and now the code looks as follows:

var _0x5b0ba5 = {
  'HThGl': '2|4|1|3|5|6|0',
  'Ssbzl': function (_0x113c5a, _0x2b9ca8) {
    return _0x113c5a + _0x2b9ca8;
  'pWydz': function (_0x237610) {
    return _0x237610();

function _0x11c3ac() {
  var _0x134393 = {
    'HwgBi': _0x5b0ba5['HThGl'],
    'YnoJz': function (_0x5ad206, _0x2b2bb5) {
      return _0x5b0ba5.Ssbzl(_0x5ad206, _0x2b2bb5);
  return function () {
    var _0x11ba88 = _0x134393['HwgBi'].split('|');

    var _0x143f46 = 0x0;

    while (true) {
      switch (_0x11ba88[_0x143f46++]) {
        case '0':

        case '1':

        case '2':
          var _0x3c58ad = _0x134393.YnoJz(0x1, 0x2);


        case '3':

        case '4':

        case '5':

        case '6':



But the thing is, we still have these JS objects introducing indirection in the code. In one case, a pipe-separated case order list is being referenced. In other cases, we have some auxillary functions being indirectly referenced. To clean this up, we must further improve code from the previous post. In this case, we need to do three things: 1) replace references to string literal with actual value, 2) move out these nested functions out of the objects and give them some names, so that they could be called directly without referencing these objects and 3) fix the function calls so that the new functions are called. After that is done, we can remove the objects _0x134393 and _0x5b0ba5 as they won’t be needed anymore.

So the code to do this is as follows:

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "ast-transform", // not required
    visitor: {
      VariableDeclarator(path) {
        let node = path.node;
        if (!node.init) return;
        if (!t.isObjectExpression(node.init)) return;
        let binding = path.scope.getBinding(;
        if (!binding.constant) return;
        let properties =;
        if (!properties) return;
        let kv = new Object();
        for (let prop of properties) {
          if (!t.isStringLiteral(prop.key)) return;
          let key = prop.key.value;
          if (!t.isFunctionExpression(prop.value) && !t.isStringLiteral(prop.value)) return;
          let value = prop.value;
          kv[key] = value;
        for (let refPath of binding.referencePaths) {
          if (!refPath.parentPath) return;
          let parentNode = refPath.parentPath.node;
          let key =;
          if (!key) key =;
          let value = kv[key];
          if (t.isStringLiteral(value)) {
          } else if (t.isFunctionExpression(value)) {
            let fnName = key;
            let functionDecl = t.functionDeclaration(
            let parentOfDecl = path.parentPath.parentPath;
            parentOfDecl.unshiftContainer("body", functionDecl);

As in previous post, we use scopes and bindings for replacing the references. The new part is function creation and insertion into body of AST node two levels up from the VariableDeclarator that we are visiting. This target node will be either Program or FunctionExpression, thus it is safe to assume it will have a body property with array of AST nodes. We also make sure that indirect function calls now are pointed to the new function that we reconstructed from the code nested in the object.

We are really getting ready to our final strike. The code now looks like this:

function pWydz(_0x237610) {
  return _0x237610();

function Ssbzl(_0x113c5a, _0x2b9ca8) {
  return _0x113c5a + _0x2b9ca8;

function _0x11c3ac() {
  function YnoJz(_0x5ad206, _0x2b2bb5) {
    return Ssbzl(_0x5ad206, _0x2b2bb5);

  return function () {
    var _0x11ba88 = '2|4|1|3|5|6|0'.split('|');

    var _0x143f46 = 0x0;

    while (true) {
      switch (_0x11ba88[_0x143f46++]) {
        case '0':

        case '1':

        case '2':
          var _0x3c58ad = YnoJz(0x1, 0x2);


        case '3':

        case '4':

        case '5':

        case '6':



We have _0x143f46 variable starting at 0 and getting incremented by one per each iteration of while loop. This counter is used to pick which switch case is to be executed at each iteration. _0x11ba88 is an array with case indices as numeric strings. But we have one inconvenience here. This array is not being hardcoded directly (like ["2", "4", "1", "3", "5", "6", "0"]), but computed by splitting a pipe-separated string. Let us do one more AST transform to convert this line into a form we need:

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "ast-transform", // not required
    visitor: {
      VariableDeclarator(path) {
        let node = path.node;
        let init = node.init;
        if (!init || !t.isCallExpression(init)) return;
        let callee = init.callee;
        let obj = callee.object;
        if (!t.isStringLiteral(obj)) return;
        let prop =;
        if (!t.isIdentifier(prop)) return;
        if ( != "split") return;
        let args = init.arguments;
        if (args.length != 1) return;
        if (!t.isStringLiteral(args[0])) return;

        let strToSplit = obj.value;
        let separator = args[0].value;
        let components = strToSplit.split(separator).map(t.valueToNode);
        node.init = t.arrayExpression(components);

Screenshot 4

We do our work inside visitor in a similar way as before. We pick the right AST node by unwrapping few levels below it and checking for conditions to make sure we are at right point in the tree. Then we extract the string value, split it and create an array with final values (represented by StringLiteral nodes) that gets assigned to init property of relevant VariableDeclarator node. Since AST requires node objects, not JS strings we convert values to nodes with a little trick from functional programming - a map() function.

As we wanted, the line that declares case order array now is like this:

    var _0x11ba88 = ["2", "4", "1", "3", "5", "6", "0"];

We’re ready to unflatten the CFG now. We got the directly hardcoded array of case numbers in the order they will be executed and we got the switch statement nested in a while loop that executes them until it runs out of cases in the list. So we got to replace that while loop with all the little basic blocks joined together in the order they would be executed at runtime.

This is accomplished by the following transform:

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "ast-transform", // not required
    visitor: {
      WhileStatement(path) {
        let whileStmt = path.node;
        let parentBody = path.parent.body;
        let bodyBlock = whileStmt.body;
        let bodyParts = bodyBlock.body;
        if (bodyParts.length == 0) return;
        if (!t.isSwitchStatement(bodyParts[0])) return;
        let switchStmt = bodyParts[0];
        let switchCases = switchStmt.cases;
        let basicBlocksByCase = {};
        for (let switchCase of switchCases) {
          let key = switchCase.test.value;
          basicBlocksByCase[key] = switchCase.consequent;
        let arrayName =;
        let parentScope = path.parentPath.scope;
        let binding = parentScope.getBinding(arrayName);
        let arrayExpr = binding.path.node.init;
        let order = => stringLiteral.value)
        let stuffInOrder = [];
        for (let caseNum of order) {
          let basicBlock = basicBlocksByCase[caseNum];
          stuffInOrder.push(...basicBlock); //
      ContinueStatement(path) {

There are two stages of code reconstruction: 1) we gather all the basic blocks into object, keyed by their case numbers and 2) we unite them into list of nodes in the order of cases that we extracted from ArrayExpression object. WhileStatement is replaced with this array of nodes, resulting in the original order of statements. Array that lists case numbers is removed afterwards as it’s no longer needed. We also remove ContinueStatement nodes as they were only needed in the while-switch structure that we had in obfuscated code.

The deobfuscated code is now as follows:

function pWydz(_0x237610) {
  return _0x237610();

function Ssbzl(_0x113c5a, _0x2b9ca8) {
  return _0x113c5a + _0x2b9ca8;

function _0x11c3ac() {
  function YnoJz(_0x5ad206, _0x2b2bb5) {
    return Ssbzl(_0x5ad206, _0x2b2bb5);

  return function () {
    var _0x143f46 = 0x0;

    var _0x3c58ad = YnoJz(0x1, 0x2);



We still have a bit of nestedness and indirection, but this code does print numbers 1 to 6 in the same way that original code did and is quite readable.

Trickster Dev

Code level discussion of web scraping, gray hat automation, growth hacking and bounty hunting

By rl1987, 2023-02-18