Don’t JSFuck with me: Part 3

Previously on Trickster Dev:

By using AST transforms developed so far, JSFuck output for character @ can be simplified to:

[]["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"" + ([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return/false/")()["constructor"]("/") + [])[1] + [1] + [0] + [0] + "\"")();

What about other characters that have null value in the MAPPING object in jsfuck.js?

For H we have:

[]["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"" + ([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return/false/")()["constructor"]("/") + [])[1] + [1] + [1] + [0] + "\"")();

For J we have:

[]["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"" + ([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return/false/")()["constructor"]("/") + [])[1] + [1] + [1] + [2] + "\"")();

For K we have:

[]["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"" + ([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return/false/")()["constructor"]("/") + [])[1] + [1] + [1] + [3] + "\"")();

For ~ we have:

[]["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"" + ([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return/false/")()["constructor"]("/") + [])[1] + [1] + [7] + [6] + "\"")();

The code we end up is very similar and follows a clear pattern.

Again, we can use NodeJS REPL to verify that this crazy shebang evaluates back to the original character:

> []["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"" + ([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return/false/")()["constructor"]("/") + [])[1] + [1] + [7] + [6] + "\"")();

Let us try to pick this stuff apart.

Due to type coercion, [1] + [7] + [6] part can be simplified to a single numeric string:

> [1] + [7] + [6]

Now what can we learn about code deeper in the statement?

> []["flat"]["constructor"]("return/false/")()
> []["flat"]["constructor"]("return/false/")()["constructor"]
[Function: RegExp]
> []["flat"]["constructor"]("return/false/")()["constructor"]("/")
> []["flat"]["constructor"]("return/false/")()["constructor"]("/") + []
> ([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return/false/")()["constructor"]("/") + [])[1]

This statement creates a regular expression object (/false/), accesses it’s contructor property to get a corresponding constructor function object (RegExp()), calls it with parameter / (this results in new regular expression object), then add an empty array to a result to stringify it through type coercion. Resulting string is indexed to to extract a single backslash character.

Based on this, we can perform some manual simplifications to this code:

> []["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"" + ([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return/false/")()["constructor"]("/") + [])[1] + '176' + "\"")();
> []["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"" + (RegExp("/") + [])[1] + '176' + "\"")();
> []["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"" + '\\' + '176' + "\"")();
> []["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"\\176\"")();

What is the number 176 doing here? In the ASCII standard, octal 176 corresponds to character ~ (see ascii(7) manpage). After undoing this octal-encoding, code gets even simpler:

> []["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"~\"")();

But what about this []["flat"]["constructor"] part we have here? JSFuck web app front page notes it is equivalent to calling eval(). Let us verify that for ourselves.

> []["flat"]
[Function: flat]
> typeof []["flat"]
> []["flat"]["constructor"]
[Function: Function]
> typeof []["flat"]["constructor"]
> []["flat"]["constructor"]("console.log(1)")
[Function: anonymous]
> []["flat"]["constructor"]("console.log(1)")()
> []["flat"]["constructor"] == Function
> Function("console.log(1)")()

So let us try to refactor this code bit by bit using Babel AST transformations.

First transformation is for converting []["flat"]["constructor"]("return/false/")() into /false/:

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "simplify-false-regex", // not required
    visitor: {
      CallExpression(path) {
		const callExpr = path.node;
        if (callExpr.arguments.length != 0) return;
        if (!t.isCallExpression(callExpr.callee)) return;
        const calleeMemberExpr = callExpr.callee.callee;
        if (!t.isMemberExpression(calleeMemberExpr)) return;
        const memberExpr2 = calleeMemberExpr.object;
        if (!t.isMemberExpression(memberExpr2)) return;
        const arrayObj = memberExpr2.object;
        if (!t.isArrayExpression(arrayObj)) return;
        if (arrayObj.elements.length != 0) return;
        const property1 =;
        if (!t.isStringLiteral(property1)) return;
        if (property1.value != "flat") return;
        const property2 =;
        if (!t.isStringLiteral(property2)) return;
        if (property2.value != "constructor") return;
        if (callExpr.callee.arguments.length != 1) return;
        const argStrLiteral = callExpr.callee.arguments[0];
        if (!t.isStringLiteral(argStrLiteral)) return;
        if (argStrLiteral.value != "return/false/") return;      
        path.replaceWith(t.regExpLiteral('false', ''));

Now we need to deal with regexp constructor thing that accepts a string argument. There’s another transform for that:

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "refactor-regex-constr", // not required
    visitor: {
      CallExpression(path) {
        const callExpr = path.node;
        if (callExpr.arguments.length != 1) return;
        const argument = callExpr.arguments[0];
        if (!t.isStringLiteral(argument)) return;
        const calleeMemberExpr = callExpr.callee;
        if (!t.isMemberExpression(calleeMemberExpr)) return;
        if (!t.isRegExpLiteral(calleeMemberExpr.object)) return;
        let property =;
        if (!t.isStringLiteral(property)) return;
        if (property.value != "constructor") return;
          t.regExpLiteral(argument.value.replace('/', '\\/'), '')

Now we deal with addition of regular expression with empty array to stringify the regular expression object. Current code from part 1 deals with similar stuff, but is unable to cover what we have now. Thus we write one more small transformation to only cover this case:

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "regex-str", // not required
    visitor: {
      BinaryExpression(path) {
        const binExpr = path.node;
        const left = binExpr.left;
        if (!t.isRegExpLiteral(left)) return;
        const right = binExpr.right;
        if (!t.isArrayExpression(right)) return;
        if (right.elements.length != 0) return;
        const regexStr = String(RegExp(left.pattern));

To convert []["flat"]["constructor"]() into eval() calls we develop the following transform:

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "fix-eval", // not required
    visitor: {
      CallExpression(path) {
        let node = path.node;
        if (node.arguments.length != 1) return;
        if (!t.isStringLiteral(node.arguments[0])) return;
        let parent = path.parent;
        if (!t.isCallExpression(parent)) return;
        let callee = node.callee;
        if (!t.isMemberExpression(callee)) return;
        if (!t.isStringLiteral( return;
        let key1 =;
        if (!t.isMemberExpression(callee.object)) return;
        if (!t.isStringLiteral( return;
        let key2 =;
        if (key1 === "constructor" && (key2 === "filter" || key2 === "flat")) {
          let evalCallExpr = t.callExpression(t.identifier('eval'), node.arguments);

To convert string-returning eval() calls into string literals we do one more transformation:

export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "eval-return-str", // not required
    visitor: {
      CallExpression(path) {
        let node = path.node;
        if (!t.isIdentifier(node.callee)) return;
        if ( != "eval") return;
        if (node.arguments.length != 1) return;
        if (!t.isStringLiteral(node.arguments[0])) return;
        let argStr = node.arguments[0].value;
        if (argStr.startsWith("return\"") && argStr.endsWith("\"")) {
          argStr = argStr.substr("return\"".length);
          argStr = argStr.substr(0, argStr.length-1);

During this deobfuscation exercise, some more AST transforms were developed to cover new edge cases as they emerge. It would be excessive to cover them all in this post, as they all follow the pattern of matching the subtree for code we want to change and modifying to simplify it.

At this point, we can talk about unifying all the code we have into deobfuscator program that can be launched from a command line. Each AST transform we prototyped in AST Explorer can be trivially converted into Babel plugin by changing couple lines in the code. For example, the undo-string-trick transform becomes the following Babel plugin in file plugin_undo_string_trick.js:

const babel = require("@babel/core");
const t = require("@babel/types");

const logASTChange = require("./debug.js").logASTChange;

module.exports = function (babel) {
  return {
    name: "undo-string-trick", // not required
    visitor: {
      Identifier(path) {
        let node = path.node;
       	if (!t.isBinaryExpression(path.parent)) return;
        if (path.parent.operator != "+") return;
        if ( === "String") {
          let newNode = t.valueToNode(String(String));
          logASTChange("undo-string-trick", node, newNode);

You may notice that logASTChange() function is being imported from debug.js file. This function is meant to show us how the code is being changed as the transform is applied, so that we could see a step-by-step progress in the standard output. The code in debug.js file is as follows:

const generate = require("@babel/generator").default;

function logASTChange(pluginName, ast1, ast2) {
  const js1 = generate(ast1).code;
  const js2 = generate(ast2).code;

  console.log("PLUGIN NAME:", pluginName);
  console.log("FROM CODE:", js1);
  console.log("TO CODE:", js2);

module.exports = { logASTChange };

Code before and after the modification is being regenerated from AST form and printed into standard output with the Babel plugin name.

In app.js file we have code that unites all the plugins into single program with basic CLI:

const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const process = require("process");

const babel = require("@babel/core");
const t = require("@babel/types");

if (process.argv.length != 4) {
  console.log("node app.js <input_js> <output_js>");

const input_js = process.argv[2];
const output_js = process.argv[3];

let js = fs.readFileSync(input_js, "utf-8");

while (true) {
  const result = babel.transformSync(js, {
      plugins: [
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_eval_expr.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_undo_flat_trick.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_undo_entries_trick.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_undo_concat_trick.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_undo_slice_trick.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_undo_boolean_trick.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_undo_fontcolor_trick.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_undo_italics_trick.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_undo_function_escape_trick.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_undo_escape_call.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_undo_function_date_trick.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_undo_regexp_trick.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_undo_string_trick.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_undo_number_tostring_trick.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_undo_object_tostring_trick.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_eval_return_str.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_eval_return_fncall.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_fix_eval.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_constructor_str.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_refactor_regex_constr.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_regex_str.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_simplify_false_regex.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_string_array_join.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_string_constructor_name.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_string_split.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, 'plugin_eval_program.js')

  if (result.code == js) break;


  js = result.code;

fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, output_js), js, 'utf-8');

Like we did manually with AST Explorer, this program modifies the input code until it no longer changes.

As a sidenote, undo-entries-trick transform from earlier had to be modified to prevent it from breaking the code:

-          path.replaceWith(t.stringLiteral(String(Array.prototype.entries)));
+          path.replaceWith(t.stringLiteral(String(String([]["entries"]()))));

Furthermore, code in eval-return-str transform was extended to support escaped characters in octal/hexadecimal form.

The following listing provides an example of debug output from deobfuscator (most lines were removed for brevity):

$ node app.js examples/in1.js examples/out1.js
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: ![] + []
TO CODE: "false"
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: ![] + []
TO CODE: "false"
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: !+[] + !+[]
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: ![] + []
TO CODE: "false"
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: +!+[]
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: !![] + []
TO CODE: "true"
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: ![] + []
TO CODE: "false"
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: ![] + []
TO CODE: "false"
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: !+[] + !+[]
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: ![] + []
TO CODE: "false"
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: +!+[]
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: !![] + []
TO CODE: "true"
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: !+[] + !+[] + !+[]
PLUGIN NAME: undo-fontcolor-trick
FROM CODE: ""["fontcolor"]()
TO CODE: "<font color=\"undefined\"></font>"
PLUGIN NAME: constructor-str
FROM CODE: 0["constructor"]
TO CODE: "function Number() { [native code] }"
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: "j" + "o" + "i" + "n"
TO CODE: "join"
PLUGIN NAME: undo-italics-trick
FROM CODE: "false0"["italics"]()
TO CODE: "<i>false0</i>"
PLUGIN NAME: undo-italics-trick
FROM CODE: "false0"["italics"]()
TO CODE: "<i>false0</i>"
PLUGIN NAME: undo-italics-trick
FROM CODE: "false0"["italics"]()
TO CODE: "<i>false0</i>"
PLUGIN NAME: undo-fontcolor-trick
FROM CODE: ""["fontcolor"]()
TO CODE: "<font color=\"undefined\"></font>"
[]["flat"]["constructor"]([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return" + "<font color=\"undefined\"></font>"[12] + "alert164t50t42t110t112t113t114t120t121t126t127t130t131t132t41t134t47t41t43t44t52t100t136t137t140t174t176t42t51t73"["s" + 211["to" + ""["constructor"]["na" + ("function Number() { [native code] }" + [])[11] + "e"]]("31")[1] + "l" + "i" + "t"]("t")["join"](([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return" + "<i>false0</i>"[10] + false + "<i>false0</i>"[10])()["constructor"]("<i>false0</i>"[10]) + [])[1]) + "<font color=\"undefined\"></font>"[12])())();
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: "<font color=\"undefined\"></font>"[12]
TO CODE: "\""
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: "function Number() { [native code] }" + []
TO CODE: "function Number() { [native code] }"
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: "<i>false0</i>"[10]
TO CODE: "/"
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: "<i>false0</i>"[10]
TO CODE: "/"
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: "<i>false0</i>"[10]
TO CODE: "/"
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: "<font color=\"undefined\"></font>"[12]
TO CODE: "\""
[]["flat"]["constructor"]([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return" + "\"" + "alert164t50t42t110t112t113t114t120t121t126t127t130t131t132t41t134t47t41t43t44t52t100t136t137t140t174t176t42t51t73"["s" + 211["to" + ""["constructor"]["na" + "function Number() { [native code] }"[11] + "e"]]("31")[1] + "l" + "i" + "t"]("t")["join"](([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return" + "/" + false + "/")()["constructor"]("/") + [])[1]) + "\"")())();
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: "return" + "\""
TO CODE: "return\""
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: "function Number() { [native code] }"[11]
TO CODE: "m"
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: "return" + "/" + false + "/"
TO CODE: "return/false/"
[]["flat"]["constructor"]([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"" + "alert164t50t42t110t112t113t114t120t121t126t127t130t131t132t41t134t47t41t43t44t52t100t136t137t140t174t176t42t51t73"["s" + 211["to" + ""["constructor"]["na" + "m" + "e"]]("31")[1] + "l" + "i" + "t"]("t")["join"](([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return/false/")()["constructor"]("/") + [])[1]) + "\"")())();
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: "na" + "m" + "e"
TO CODE: "name"
PLUGIN NAME: simplify-false-regex
FROM CODE: []["flat"]["constructor"]("return/false/")()
TO CODE: /false/
[]["flat"]["constructor"]([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"" + "alert164t50t42t110t112t113t114t120t121t126t127t130t131t132t41t134t47t41t43t44t52t100t136t137t140t174t176t42t51t73"["s" + 211["to" + ""["constructor"]["name"]]("31")[1] + "l" + "i" + "t"]("t")["join"]((/false/["constructor"]("/") + [])[1]) + "\"")())();
PLUGIN NAME: string-constructor-name
FROM CODE: ""["constructor"]["name"]
TO CODE: "String"
PLUGIN NAME: refactor-regex-constr
FROM CODE: /false/["constructor"]("/")
TO CODE: /\//
[]["flat"]["constructor"]([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"" + "alert164t50t42t110t112t113t114t120t121t126t127t130t131t132t41t134t47t41t43t44t52t100t136t137t140t174t176t42t51t73"["s" + 211["to" + "String"]("31")[1] + "l" + "i" + "t"]("t")["join"]((/\// + [])[1]) + "\"")())();
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: "to" + "String"
TO CODE: "toString"
PLUGIN NAME: regex-str
FROM CODE: /\// + []
TO CODE: "/\\//"
[]["flat"]["constructor"]([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"" + "alert164t50t42t110t112t113t114t120t121t126t127t130t131t132t41t134t47t41t43t44t52t100t136t137t140t174t176t42t51t73"["s" + 211["toString"]("31")[1] + "l" + "i" + "t"]("t")["join"]("/\\//"[1]) + "\"")())();
PLUGIN NAME: undo-number-tostring-trick
FROM CODE: 211["toString"]("31")
TO CODE: "6p"
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: "/\\//"[1]
TO CODE: "\\"
[]["flat"]["constructor"]([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"" + "alert164t50t42t110t112t113t114t120t121t126t127t130t131t132t41t134t47t41t43t44t52t100t136t137t140t174t176t42t51t73"["s" + "6p"[1] + "l" + "i" + "t"]("t")["join"]("\\") + "\"")())();
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: "6p"[1]
TO CODE: "p"
[]["flat"]["constructor"]([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"" + "alert164t50t42t110t112t113t114t120t121t126t127t130t131t132t41t134t47t41t43t44t52t100t136t137t140t174t176t42t51t73"["s" + "p" + "l" + "i" + "t"]("t")["join"]("\\") + "\"")())();
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: "s" + "p" + "l" + "i" + "t"
TO CODE: "split"
[]["flat"]["constructor"]([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"" + "alert164t50t42t110t112t113t114t120t121t126t127t130t131t132t41t134t47t41t43t44t52t100t136t137t140t174t176t42t51t73"["split"]("t")["join"]("\\") + "\"")())();
PLUGIN NAME: string-split
FROM CODE: "alert164t50t42t110t112t113t114t120t121t126t127t130t131t132t41t134t47t41t43t44t52t100t136t137t140t174t176t42t51t73"["split"]("t")
TO CODE: ["aler", "164", "50", "42", "110", "112", "113", "114", "120", "121", "126", "127", "130", "131", "132", "41", "134", "47", "41", "43", "44", "52", "100", "136", "137", "140", "174", "176", "42", "51", "73"]
[]["flat"]["constructor"]([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"" + ["aler", "164", "50", "42", "110", "112", "113", "114", "120", "121", "126", "127", "130", "131", "132", "41", "134", "47", "41", "43", "44", "52", "100", "136", "137", "140", "174", "176", "42", "51", "73"]["join"]("\\") + "\"")())();
PLUGIN NAME: string-array-join
FROM CODE: ["aler", "164", "50", "42", "110", "112", "113", "114", "120", "121", "126", "127", "130", "131", "132", "41", "134", "47", "41", "43", "44", "52", "100", "136", "137", "140", "174", "176", "42", "51", "73"]["join"]("\\")
TO CODE: "aler\\164\\50\\42\\110\\112\\113\\114\\120\\121\\126\\127\\130\\131\\132\\41\\134\\47\\41\\43\\44\\52\\100\\136\\137\\140\\174\\176\\42\\51\\73"
[]["flat"]["constructor"]([]["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"" + "aler\\164\\50\\42\\110\\112\\113\\114\\120\\121\\126\\127\\130\\131\\132\\41\\134\\47\\41\\43\\44\\52\\100\\136\\137\\140\\174\\176\\42\\51\\73" + "\"")())();
PLUGIN NAME: eval-expr
FROM CODE: "return\"" + "aler\\164\\50\\42\\110\\112\\113\\114\\120\\121\\126\\127\\130\\131\\132\\41\\134\\47\\41\\43\\44\\52\\100\\136\\137\\140\\174\\176\\42\\51\\73" + "\""
TO CODE: "return\"aler\\164\\50\\42\\110\\112\\113\\114\\120\\121\\126\\127\\130\\131\\132\\41\\134\\47\\41\\43\\44\\52\\100\\136\\137\\140\\174\\176\\42\\51\\73\""
PLUGIN NAME: fix-eval
FROM CODE: []["flat"]["constructor"]("return\"aler\\164\\50\\42\\110\\112\\113\\114\\120\\121\\126\\127\\130\\131\\132\\41\\134\\47\\41\\43\\44\\52\\100\\136\\137\\140\\174\\176\\42\\51\\73\"")
TO CODE: eval("return\"aler\\164\\50\\42\\110\\112\\113\\114\\120\\121\\126\\127\\130\\131\\132\\41\\134\\47\\41\\43\\44\\52\\100\\136\\137\\140\\174\\176\\42\\51\\73\"")
PLUGIN NAME: eval-return-str
FROM CODE: eval("return\"aler\\164\\50\\42\\110\\112\\113\\114\\120\\121\\126\\127\\130\\131\\132\\41\\134\\47\\41\\43\\44\\52\\100\\136\\137\\140\\174\\176\\42\\51\\73\"")
TO CODE: "alert(\"HJKLPQVWXYZ!\\'!#$*@^_`|~\");"
PLUGIN NAME: fix-eval
FROM CODE: []["flat"]["constructor"]("alert(\"HJKLPQVWXYZ!\\'!#$*@^_`|~\");")
TO CODE: eval("alert(\"HJKLPQVWXYZ!\\'!#$*@^_`|~\");")
PLUGIN NAME: eval-program
FROM CODE: eval("alert(\"HJKLPQVWXYZ!\\'!#$*@^_`|~\");");
TO CODE: alert("HJKLPQVWXYZ!\'!#$*@^_`|~");

So the deobfuscator works for small snippets. The deobfuscated line is the same that I entered into JSFuck web app. However for bigger snippet there is a problem. During the AST traversal Babel runs out of stack space and crashes with the the following error message on the first iteration of the loop:

  visitSingle(node, key) {

RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
    at TraversalContext.visitSingle (/Users/rl/src/
    at TraversalContext.visit (/Users/rl/src/
    at traverseNode (/Users/rl/src/
    at NodePath.visit (/Users/rl/src/
    at TraversalContext.visitQueue (/Users/rl/src/
    at TraversalContext.visitSingle (/Users/rl/src/
    at TraversalContext.visit (/Users/rl/src/
    at traverseNode (/Users/rl/src/
    at NodePath.visit (/Users/rl/src/
    at TraversalContext.visitQueue (/Users/rl/src/

Node.js v20.1.0

Notice function calls repeating in the stack trace. This means that we have recursion going on in here. JSFuck makes the AST excessively bloated and thus difficult to programmatically simplify with Babel.

I think this is the final point of my JSFuck deobfuscation journey. The original objective for doing this was to learn more about Babel and AST-level deobfuscation and that was achieved. The current deobfuscation approach was of some success in a way that it is able to simplify sufficiently small and simple snippets, but ran into a fundamental limitation of Babel (if you know how to solve this - kindly let me know).

Does that mean JSFuck output cannot be deobfuscated? No. There are open source examples that treat JS code as string to undo the changes that JSFuck is making:

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2

This is indeed an easier and better way to deal with JSFuck being used to obfuscate client-side JavaScript code. But one cannot become stronger and smarter by always taking an easy way. We learned about JS type coercion and about various weird runtime tricks that JSFuck is relying on. Martin Kleppe, the developer of JSFuck is a smart, creative person and that shows in his work.

Trickster Dev

Code level discussion of web scraping, gray hat automation, growth hacking and bounty hunting

By rl1987, 2023-06-25